"Good Morning Mrs. Rose,As I have been a longtime fan of you and your work, I was browsing the site and came across some shots of T.I. I know you normally have a section allocated to fans and their favorite celebrities. Well, last week T.I. performed at a college up by me, which is in Hartford, Connecticut. And a very dear and close friend of mine was able to meet him. Her name is Ciara and she was diagnosed with MS in July of 2006 after not knowing what she suffered from for three years. It is so far progressed that doctors say they can't do anything else for her. She has been hospitalized since July and was recently able to get a daypass to see T.I. in concert! This was so exciting for her and her many friends and family. With that being said, the picture of her and T.I. is attached and it would be great if in the upcoming weeks you could feature her on your website with T.I.'s approval. Mrs. Rose....if this is not possible thank you for the time you took to read this emailGot this of my Sandra rose blog!!Much love 2 her!!_sapphire "
From www.sandra rose.com
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